Soft Tissue Mobilization

Soft Tissue Mobilization (STM) uses stretching and deep pressure to break up rigid muscle tissue, relax muscle tension, and move fluids trapped in the tissues that cause pain and inflammation. STM is used to treat soft tissue injuries including muscle strains and sprains. It is a type of manual therapy

Soft Tissue Mobilization aids in relaxing tense muscles, reducing scar tissue, and stretching and lengthening fascia to improve range of motion. 

Soft Tissue Mobilization for back pain, neck pain, ankle sprains, carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder impingement, and knee and hip pain is a safe and effective form of conservative treatment. The licensed physical therapists at 360 Physical Therapy & Wellness use stretching and STM to help speed recovery and restore function to injured muscles, tissues, and ligaments.

Types of Soft Tissue Mobilization include:

  • Strain-Counterstrain: The technique uses passive positioning to relieve muscle, joint, and tissue tightness. Your licensed physical therapist will identify specific pain points and hold the position anywhere form 90 seconds to 3 minutes to relax the soft tissue, reducing pain and stiffness.

  • Graston Technique: The Graston Technique uses a specially designed stainless steel tool to treat scar tissue. This special technique allows for faster rehabilitation. Studies show the Graston technique for low back pain reduces pain and increases range of motion.

  • ASTYM: ASTYM treatment uses a specialized plastic tool to stimulate the breakdown of scar tissue and promotes regeneration and improved muscle and joint function. Scar tissue can cause muscle tension, limited flexibility, and range of motion restrictions. ASTYM has been proven to be a highly effective treatment for chronic tendinitis and bursitis as it reduces inflammation.

  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD): This type of soft tissue mobilization uses specific manual hand movements that follow anatomical lymph pathways, helping to move fluid and improve circulation. Manual Lymphatic Drainage for headaches, migraines, swollen legs, and more.

  • Manual traction: Manual traction for sciatica or bulging or herniated discs is an effective type of manual therapy for individuals suffering from back pain. It is a type of decompression therapy helping to relieve tension on the spine. Manual traction is an applied pressure lasting for a few seconds in duration, stretching the spine and taking pressure off the lumbar discs. It can also be applied as a sudden, quick thrust.

  • Trigger Point Therapy / Myofascial Release: Myofascial release is a soft tissue manual therapy for the treatment of chronic muscular pain and immobility. Myofascial release focuses on reducing pain by easing the tension and tightness in the specified areas of pain. It is a type of massage also known as “deep tissue work”. Read more here. (link to myofascial release page)

  • Cross friction: This type of manual therapy aims to maintain mobility within the soft tissue structures of ligament, tendon, and muscle and prevent scars from forming. It is a specific, localized deep tissue massage that must be applied transversely (cross) to the identified location of pain. Cross friction massage is beneficial in reducing pain and regenerating connective tissue, aiding in the healing process.

If you suffer from back pain, headaches, hip pain, shoulder impingement, or knee pain, contact 360 Physical Therapy & Wellness in Fulton, MD. We are your pain specialists and we can provide safe, effective, and non-invasive approaches to improving your quality of life.